Exceptional garden in the hinterland of Grasse

My definition of a landscaped garden

All my creations have as primary concern the marriage of slender or rounded shapes and the range of greens offered by nature. This is the very definition of the “architecture” of a garden.

What could be more beautiful than the supple grey-green of the olive trees, the bluish-green velvety lavender or even the bright yellow of the santolinas in bloom punctuated by the dark and slender shapes of the cypresses of Provence? What could be more beautiful than a soft pink heather that will wake up a bush of light gray perennials?

paysagiste grasse
paysagiste grasse
paysagiste grasse
paysagiste grasse
paysagiste grasse

How do you approach your space design projects?
In my way of approaching the garden, I gladly play between two methods that may seem opposite and yet so complementary.

All my artistic representations are drawn by hand, that is to say, let’s not hide it “old fashioned”. This traditional technique allows me to “think” the garden. While I take the time to draw an olive tree, a bed of perennials, an arbor, or the paved entrance to a property, I remember the places, I imagine the volumes, I think of the associations, I immerse myself smells that will participate in this project. I am already walking in the garden. But you also have to be able to make the customer feel this great adventure.

Thus, I accompany the landscaping plan with various digital artistic projects that will present the future project as faithfully as possible. It is at this stage that the computer comes into play. The technique of artistic representation by photomontage is specially designed especially for the observer. I try to put myself in the place of the owner and get him to understand the process and then the purpose of his future living space.

Where were we starting from?
Before after

paysagiste jardin grasse
paysagiste jardin grasse

Partie d’un terrain à l’abandon, Brigitte Dematteis nous a créé un petit écrin méditerranéen où il fait bon vivre. Quelques endroits spacieux pour les grandes réunions de famille et d’amis mais aussi des espaces isolés, protégés, adaptés à chaque besoin (ombragés, ensoleillés…) et chaque caractère (romantique, sportif…). Nous lui sommes très reconnaissants d’avoir su interpréter nos envies. C’est un jardin vivant où chacun trouve sa place et qui évolue avec les saisons. Brigitte Dematteis, artiste passionnée, a su préserver l’environnement naturel et l’adapter à nos exigences.
Un grand MERCI Madame Dematteis”

Témoignage du propriétaire